park and relationship issues

The girls had their play rehearsal all day on Tuesday, which meant: No homework! To celebrate our free time, we went to the park for two hours to have a picnic and play.

The girls clearly love doting on Clarissa. Also, Ammon made sweet friends with an adorable little girls just his size and age. She was spunky and darling.

Then we went to get ice cream to continue our celebrations. It was the first time we allowed Clarissa to handle her own cone by herself. It was a mess and everyone was charmed.

The evening was kind of rough because Abe and I were having an emotionally difficult relationship day. But we ended up talking, talking, and talking until we felt happier and more in love than before the hard episode. Also, I learned about what I can do to better help Abe feel loved and cared for when he is going through panic and anxiety. He is my favorite.