more yoga

On Sunday we did another couple rounds of family yoga. Clarissa joined us this time and was so cute! (Ammon also took every downward dog as a signal to crawl under everyone. He is also very cute.)

Abe and the kids sat next to a couple at church who had a son named Ammon. Ammon got very excited when he learned this and must have told them so. After church they took a walk and introduced themselves to us, whereupon Ammon declared his love for Mary, the wife. This is not surprising because Ammon pretty regularly declares his love to strangers, but it was still charming to watch.

Also, Clarissa peed in the potty!!! Right before her bath I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty, and of course she did. (Clarissa has a passion for water, and toilets contain water–so naturally she has always been a big fan of them.) She sat down…and she peed! We were all so excited.