Arriving in Bora Bora

I’m happy to report that the long flight from L.A. to Tahiti was much smoother of a ride and Lily didn’t even get sick. Once arriving in Tahiti, we quickly transferred to another equally smooth flight on which Lily did not get sick. Yay!

We arrived in Bora Bora around 8:30 AM Bora Bora time (3 hours behind Utah). I have to say that everything from top to bottom was magical upon arrival.

The airport is on an island, so we took a five minute boat ride to the resort. Once arriving at the resort, Lily changed into her swimwear and we lounged by the pool until our room was ready. This is a view near the reception desk and the pool where we lounged.

Once our room was ready, we showered and then grabbed some lunch. Below is our view from our lunch spot. That mountain in the background is the island of Bora Bora where the locals live (about 1,000 people). Many of them work at the Le Meridian resort and take a boat to and from work every day. There is almost always a cloud dancing on our around that mountain. You will also notice the unbelievable color of greenish light-blue that the water is here. More of those pictures to come!

Lily absolutely loved her fish and kept talking about it.

I also absolutely loved my Nicoise salad with fresh tuna in it.

After lunch we spent time at a beautiful platform in the water. Lily had a theory that she could use the sun’s rays to burn out her sinus infection. We think it worked, and she also got a ton of sun. Luckily her burn turns to tan quite quickly. I stayed fairly covered and didn’t burn much and enjoyed lounging in such a beautiful environment.

All in all the whole first day felt so magical. Lily and I have never been anywhere so beautiful or so remote. Everywhere we look is an explosion of beauty and serenity. We agreed at the end of the day that if we had to fly home even just after then ten hours of being in Bora Bora, all the travel would have been worth it. We felt so thrilled and delighted that we had seven days to look forward to ahead of us.

I then went to exercise to get out my tension after all the sitting in planes and Lily relaxed back at the place. It was a glorious start to a much needed vacation, and I felt and continue to feel so grateful to come and heal from my stresses in this way with my favorite person.