Leprechauns Fear Corona Virus and the children’s fort.

This morning I overheard Lily telling the children that the Leprechauns didn’t come because they are from Ireland and no one is traveling do to Corona virus. I re-in forced the story and said something like about how they are smaller than children and could really be hurt by the virus. Then Mary and Lydia got into a debate. Lydia said Leprechauns were magic so they shouldn’t fear a virus. But Mary insisted that Leprechauns lose their magic if a human sees them, and that would be disastrous with the Corona virus scare. To more thoroughly make her point, Mary pointed out how late Lydia stayed up the night before to highlight how risky it was for a Leprechaun to be in our room.

I love my kids. Really, Lily and I were just two overwhelmed trying to make life happen given we were both sick. Lily was still by far the sickest, and I was still recovering, but walking a fine line trying to help keep work and home afloat while still recovering from my sinus infection. We just dropped the ball on that one, but Lily had a great explanation. Lily was on top of things though enough to get lots of Lucky Charms, which the children ate joyfully for breakfast.

I got a lot of hard news at work due to Corona virus. A lot of deals are pushing to next quarter or later due to market uncertainty. While I was working (and trying to pop in on Lily from time to time), Lily was trying to rest as much as she could while still feeding kids, cleaning, studying her German and doing laundry as much as her energy would allow. Unfortunately that meant sometimes she was pushing it too much. After work, I tried to take over as much as I could so she could rest. I was actually feeling decent because I turned a corner during the day and started to feel better from my sinus infection. I even played with Clarissa! While I was chasing her wearing her box, completely out of the blue she said, “I am a robot” in a robot voice. I almost died laughing because she has heard me say that before, but I thought it was so funny for her to pull it out in such a hilarious moment. Here is a video of me chasing her.

I also got some pictures of a mega fort the kids built and here is a video of Mary giving a tour of the fort.

I’m worrying about Lily. Her lungs are not any better. I’m trying to cut corners at work to be more available for her and at home, but I sometimes use the time to just rest because I’m still recovering and I feel she just needs more rest. I cannot wait until the weekend when work will be over, and I can just truly pamper her and help her get closer to recovery.