Nobody leaves the couch

On Sunday I ran to the store to pick up my Clicklist and get some stuff I forgot to tell Abe to get on Saturday. We are going to try not to go back to the store for over a week (or whenever we run out of fresh fruit.) Until the pandemic is over, my personal grocery goal is to only Clicklist fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, dairy and proteins once a week or every ten days. We have to eat down our store of stuff in boxes and cans. We have a TON of that! So no more going into stores physically. It’s just too stressful.

Abe Zoom chatted with his AXB group for almost two hours in the morning. They are such a good group of friends. I was putting groceries away while listening to him chat and just felt so thankful we have friends, support, and ways to stay connected during this time.

Then I lay reading and sleeping on the couch while everyone else did home church. Abe is such a great discussion leader and religious teacher for the kids. He is so wise, so kind, and so loving.

We all had gyros and fruit for dinner, after which Abe played “nobody leave the couch” with the kids. It’s their favorite game. And it’s so cute to watch! Here is a video!. The game ends when Abe is able to get all four kids on the couch at the same time. It is quite a challenge, but today he did it when he pinned everyone down except for Clarissa, who I brought to the couch for him to clinch the victory :).

After thirty minutes of play, everyone was sweating and Abe collapsed. He called in the reinforcements (me) to finally end the game and get Clarissa on the couch. The game ends when all four kids are on the couch at once.

The kids are so lucky to have Abe for a dad. He is incredibly fun and energetic. And my contribution to the evening was rounding everyone up and having them all watch the Audrey Hepburn War and Peace until almost 10pm. It was one of my favorite movies growing up, and I was so thrilled that my kids–and Abe–seemed to really like it too! (Well, Clarissa fell asleep in the first ten minutes…and Mary and Ammon disappeared to play after an hour…but Lydia was engaged and asking questions the whole time. Lydia, you are a daughter after my own heart. I love you. And all of your siblings too.)