Clark’s Birthday

Clark wanted to hike the 14 mile highline loop trail for his birthday and he invited me to go with him. I jumped at the chance. We woke up around 4 or 4:30 (I didn’t fall asleep until after midnight), and headed to Glacier in order to be done by noon and so that our drivers Sruthi and Mani could find parking.

We had so much fun on the trail and he is an incredible hiking buddy. We both moved very fast, jogging at times, and we covered all sorts of topics like health and dieting, how to keep a positive outline, the stages of grief, the media, the scandal at Michigan state, and the state of the world. The views along the way were absolutely stunning. At the top of the glacier overlook, I ate a brunch that I had been looking forward to:

These horses are carrying supplies to the Chalet

On the trail, we crossed paths with another hiker whose birthday it was, and who was hiking with a happy birthday baloon. We took pictures of course!

While Clark and I were hiking, Lily, Swathi and the kids spent time at Lake McDonald.

Here is Ammon entertaining Meera in the car

Later in the day, we ate dinner and then went fishing at a fishing pond in Columbia Falls and celebrated Clark’s birthday with cake. We didn’t catch anything which was incredibly demoralizing to me. But as always, it was fun to fish and be together.