On Saturday Abe worked the entire day in the garage. It was a complete disaster because we have all of the stuff from the basement in there, and things had gotten really out of hand. He added a lot of fast track to the walls and hung a lot of tools and things, so now the garage looks so, so much better. We finally know where stuff is now. Thank you, Abe!!

He also spent some time playing hide and seek with the kids in the garage.

Our next door neighbors invited the kids to pick raspberries. Lydia couldn’t come because of her quarantine, but the other kids and Abe headed over to gather these beauties. We are grateful to have kind neighbors!
As if organizing the garage wasn’t enough, Abe also built a sand city with the kids!

The sandbox playing ended with a frantic effort to keep the hose-water from breaking through the canal and flooding the city. This was a game that Abe used to play with Anthony in Anthony’s sandbox when he was very young, and it made him so happy to relive that with the kids.