A Happy Reunion!

After over 24 hours of traveling, I was relieved to get off the airplane, and I was ecstatic to see my family. Even though my body had no idea what time it was and I felt a bit tired from the jet lag, I was buoyed and excited to see my family.

The first thing we did was go to Wee Witches. It was really important to Lydia for us to all go and walk around Wee Witches as a family. I love how much Lydia values our experiences as a family. And didn’t she do an awesome job on her face paint?

It was FREEZING at Wee Witches. The weather really turned today in Orem. It was windy and rainy, and at night time it snowed in the mountains. We only stayed about 45 minutes because of the weather, but we had a lot of fun with the time that we had. We got the little kid’s faces painted, walked around shops (indoors!) and got donuts for the kids.

They said the wait at Archibald’s restaurant at Wee Witches would be over two hours so we went to Maria Bonitas which only had a 20 minute wait. I gave everyone gifts from Singapore in the care while we waited. I gave Clarissa a pink purse, Ammon a sushi play-doh set, Mary a golden pig figurine, Lydia earrings and Lily a hat. It was so fun to share a bit of my travels with everyone. We also ate haw berry candy and peanut butter candy that I brought from Singapore (which was delicious).

Maria Bonitas was delicious! It was so good to all be together again!

Then I went home and passed out out 7:00PM and woke up at 1:30 AM the next day, lol.