play doh

This morning Clarissa, who became un-sleep-trained on our trips, woke us up at 3am. Abe is sick and this was especially hard for him. Thankfully, we had gone to bed really early so I actually felt perfectly fine. I hopped out of bed, did my clicklist grocery shopping, and went to my 6am bikram yoga class.

My mom covered the gap between when Abe left for work and when I got home. Thank you, Mom!! Then I got the kids ready and folded laundry while I tried to figure out how to make the most of this day. Summer is almost over and I want to enjoy my kids as much as possible, but they are all fairly sick with colds. I decided they hadn’t played with play doh in a while and I had a coupon for the craft store, so after Clarissa’s nap we did errands and I picked up play doh.

Ammon fell asleep in the car and transferred successfully to his bed, and this made it possible for me to cook dinner while Clarissa crawled around and the girls played play-doh happily for hours. They made so many creative things!

I had Abe take this picture. He forgot to get a close-up of their marvelous creations. I will try to remember to take a picture tomorrow of the surviving creatures.

I had fun making Jessica Seinfeld’s chicken parmesan, and then after dinner Abe and Mary practiced piano while Lydia and I practiced harp. It was honestly so fun.

After we put the kids down, Abe and I went to tour a home Carolyn Blosil is flipping. It is fun to see how people flip homes. We learned a lot.

Then we went to Menchie’s for frozen yogurt and came home to collapse. I have now been up for 19 hours and am ready for bed.