splash pad party

On Monday I rolled out of bed at 5:15 am and made it to bikram yoga on time. The fact that Abe and I went to bed so early on Sunday really helped.

I kind of overdid it in yoga, though. Some kind lady asked me if I needed help as I was leaving. After I came home, I asked the girls to watch Clarissa in her room while I lay down and recovered in bed.

When I was recovered, Mary and Lydia practiced a ton.

In the afternoon I took the kids to the Arches splash pad party at Palisades park. I didn’t get any pictures AND I lost Mary’s glasses there. That was a huge bummer. But since I was blissfully unaware that I was about to lose Mary’s glasses, we had a great time at the splash pad. I did wonder why I was the only mom who was soaked from head to toe. It seemed like all of the other moms pulled the party off without getting wet at all. But I was with Clarissa and Ammon the whole time, so I got drenched!