Sunday with Betsy

On Sunday my friend Betsy agreed to come help me with my Relief Society lesson. The lesson was on failure and forgiveness, and Betsy’s work as a potter has taught her to embrace failure. Every step of pottery is filled with opportunities for failure, and failure is an inevitable part of the process. Betsy is incredibly articulate and her work added a beautiful visual component to the lesson.

Then we had Betsy, Micah, and Pippa over for dinner. They brought mango sticky rice, which I didn’t realize was dessert and so I made Thai grilled chicken for dinner. We ended up eating the rice as a side and it actually tasted great with the chicken.

After dinner we chatted for a couple hours. We just love the Crofts, and the kids love Pippa.

Abe and I went to bed right after the kids. It felt great to get to bed early at the start of the week.