
On Saturday I woke up at 5:15am to pick up our neighbor, Ethline, for yoga. We drove to Lehi to do Bikram together and had a great class. During the week I have to leave early to get home in time, but Saturday is nice because I can stay the whole time. This was Ethline’s first time doing Bikram, and she loved it.

When I got home, I took over the kids. Abe had been up until 1am working, so he was exhausted. When he woke up, I started feeling tired. Abe let me nap for a couple hours. I was so tired that I didn’t even wake up during the treasure hunt Lydia made for all of the kids. One of her clues was, “To find your next clue, check the place where you go poo!” …That was in our bathroom. They all trooped into the bathroom to find her clue, and I was so zonked I didn’t hear a thing. Her hunt ended at a box which held a lot of rainbow themed things, including a book she had made about the colors of the rainbow and this cut-out rainbow:

Then when I finally woke up, I menu planned, did the Clicklist, and “helped” Abe organize the girls’ clothes. We switched out all of their old clothes and put their school uniforms in. We also organized Ammon’s clothes. The Marshalls gave us all of their twins’ old clothes, and if we want, we don’t even have to buy Ammon anything this season!

In the evening after the kids were down, Abe and I spent an hour in the backyard enjoying the perfect weather and cloud watching. I felt perfectly happy and full of gratitude for everything in my life, even things which annoy me when I am in a bad mood–like the house, for instance. I looked at the house with Abe and felt so grateful God has given me a perfect place to raise a family.

Then Abe and I went in and binge watched The Good Wife. Normally Abe is much more disciplined, but he let himself channel my over-indulgent tendencies and we watched until midnight.