Fairies galore

Last night the girls built a fairy house and fairy trap with the Anabelle and Liberty. They filled the house with pixie dust (glitter) and play doh furniture.

This morning when Lydia opened the front door to go ask Anabelle and Liberty to play, she found this note on the front step:

It says, ” Dear Lydia and Marie

Thank you for the wonderfull house to rest in sorry but the trap did not work on me. The folding couch was awesome and the pixie dust was perfect oh and i loved the flying packpack! Love, Mrs. Twinkle.”

You should have seen Lydia and Mary’s excitement. They literally jumped up and down. I am pretty sure Lydia might have run in circles giggling. Mrs. Twinkle also gave them candy which they promptly ate. Lydia exclaimed that she couldn’t wait to show Anabelle and Liberty the note and so she ran out of the door to tell them all about it. They were gone, but when they came back later I whispered a quick thank you to Liberty, who I guessed was the real “Mrs. Twinkle.” She was so darling and smiled happily when I told her how joyful the girls were to discover the note.

Lydia wrote Mrs. Twinkle back quite promptly, and then posted the sticky note on a chair in the back yard:

It says, “Dear Mrs. Twincky, were gowing (going) to our gradparis (grandparents’) house A fairy lives there to do y (you) want to come? Please write back”

Doesn’t that melt your heart? Mine is quite a puddle.

Also, while Abe and I napped (Abe was feeling sick and stayed home from work today), Lydia built this out of our garden tomatoes and toothpicks:

Finally, after all of the fun play and creativity, Lydia had a hard time transitioning to the harp and we had a pretty horrible practice. She cried in her room for a while until Abe, Clarissa and I came to cheer her up. Abe took this picture:

She was a perfect angel for the rest of the night. (Also, Clarissa puked that bottle up an hour later. I’m so glad she didn’t puke on Lydia. That might have damaged the relationship a little bit…)