The temple of Sinewava hike

On Sunday morning, Clarissa woke up at the crack of dawn. She struggled falling asleep in the tent, and Abe and I spent a lot of the night shushing her and trying to figure out how to cuddle with each other without waking up Clarissa, who was between us. In the morning I ended up taking all of the kids to the car to get them dressed and ready for the day while Abe took the tent down and Tom made everyone breakfast.

Here is everyone at breakfast. Lydia was sleep deprived, and as you can see in the picture, was not in a very cooperative mood. But I loved how colorful everyone was, and you can see the AMAZING campsite Tom snagged for us in Zion National Park.

After breakfast, we got our National Park passport stamps, a junior ranger packet for Lydia, and boarded the shuttle for the Temple of Sinewava hike. I wish I had more chances to practice my photography skills, but I had my hands full the whole time. Most of our pictures are of our kids, but hopefully the glorious beauty will live on in our hearts, if not in our blog. 🙂

Clarissa loved walking the trail, even if half of the time she was walking the wrong way…
Clarissa is in a phase where she will lie down on the ground randomly, often for no reason. Abe got this picture of her as she lay herself down on the trail.

This rock climber did the Macarena while standing on that rock. He was clearly in his element!
We had dinner at Meme’s cafe in Springdale.

Then we drove home. Lydia said that I say that every national park is my favorite, but honestly, this time, I have to say that if I ever say anything has topped Zion, it’s just because I forgot how amazing Zion is. Zion is a wonder. We are so blessed to live so close to this magnificent beauty.