A Hannakkuh lesson

On Friday I cleaned, did laundry, read to Ammon, played a bit with Ammon and Clarissa, quilted, babysat the neighbors for an hour and a half, and made challah, applesauce, and potato latkes for dinner. At dinner I told the kids the story of Hannakkah and then gave them all gold coins for dessert. I should have looked the story up before telling them because I think I mixed up some of the details…Oops. I will look it up and tell them whatever I got wrong today!

After dinner we had another meeting with Carolyn Blosil and the Hersheys about insurance. It was very interesting, and, as always, motivating.

Afterward Abe and I watched a littleĀ Harry PotterĀ with the girls. Abe stayed up until 1:30am working and I went to bed at 11. It was a full day.