Qualtrics gets bought

In the morning Clarissa and Ammon had their well-child checks, and Clarissa had some shots. Here she is post shots sucking grumpily on a lollipop while Ammon happily pushes her along:

I spent the rest of the day cooking for a vegetarian Thanksgiving. I bought a Tofurkey on the spur of a whim last week, and so I made a bunch of sides to go with it today. It was supposed to be a fun, happy meal, but I was so tired and grumpy by the time we sat down that it wasn’t exactly that. Mary also declared that I never cook anything she likes and had a tantrum. It was sad.

But the good news is my mom had a fantastic empty nesters FHE tonight. She saw some beautiful stain glass and had dinner with the empty nester group and came home so happy. She also looked so pretty. I should have taken a picture.

Abe and I finished the day by ministering to our neighbors. We visited with them and had such a great time.

Also, last but honestly, this should really be first: SAP BOUGHT QUALTRICS TODAY. This move will change out lives in a really great way. We feel very blessed and thankful for the way God has lead our family. On my way to the temple this morning (I went to the 5:40am session), I said a prayer for Ryan Smith, the CEO of Qualtrics. Abe found out when we woke up at 4:45am that Qualtrics had been bought, and so I had all morning to think about it. I feel very grateful.