Rodizio’s with Karin and Jay

On Friday I naturally woke up at 5:22, so against all of my resolutions to sleep in, I got up and went to yoga. Then I came home and cleaned the house–and myself!–while Abe got the kids fed and ready for the day.

The rest of the day we spent napping and helping the girls with their practice. Also, the kids decorated the mini tree my mom got them:

When I woke up from my nap, Lydia begged me to go back to bed so she could bring me some cinnamon toast she made from the recipe book I gave her. (Abe helped her with the broiling part.) She also cut out hear shaped marshmallows and put them on a mug of cocoa, which I just happened to be craving! She was so proud of her snack. It was delicious and touching. I was too busy eating it to get a picture.

At 5pm we left to the Riverwoods to meet up with Karin and Jay.

When Clarissa and Ammon got antsy, Abe took them out to roast s’mores and see Santa, much to Ammon’s euphoric delight:

And then I took Ammon to the car to warm up while Abe let the girls roast marshmallows and see Santa too.

Lydia feels sad because she is worried Santa won’t come because of the locker incident. Abe and I are going to lift our home consequences for it because as we’ve talked about it, it’s become very clear to us that Lydia had no idea that her joke about a puppy would make the other student feel bad. She is a very kind girl.

When we came home, we put the babies to bed and did a quick puzzle with the girls before going to the Bogdens to minister. Mary wanted to fill her room with completed puzzles. She’s almost there. Maybe we can reach that goal Sunday.