first snow

This morning we woke up to snow!!

I love this one of Clarissa and Ammon gazing adoringly into each other’s eyes.

After playing in the snow we RUSHED to get ready for stake conference. We went to the room for families with young children and it is such a relief to let the kids just do whatever they want during the talks. I figured ours didn’t hear a word of conference because they were so busy playing, but lo and behold at dinner Abe quizzed them on conference and it turned out that Mary and Lydia heard and remembered all of the main stories and principles!!! I was shocked. Abe was shocked. My mom was shocked. And then my mom gave them all chocolate because she was so thrilled.

Abe and I took a long nap after lunch and the kids were SO GOOD and quiet during that time. We were so thankful that they didn’t wake up Clarissa and may be starting to learn how to be quiet during nap time…I hope, I really do. I can’t handle another day of reminding them to not scream or yell while the baby is sleeping!

Then we had a FHE that Mary and my mom put together on the little lamb of Bethlehem. Mary loves presenting FHE and loves telling us all what to do. We all love watching her take charge. It is very cute.

During FHE Clarissa cuddled on Lydia’s lap and read books:

And to finish off, Ammon’s cross dressing outfit o’the day: