Christmas round 2

On Saturday we had Christmas with Tom, Suzanne and Jere. They brought bagels and we had a laid back morning opening and playing with presents. They got the girls two bears that repeat everything you say to them, and the girls went totally nuts with them. They didn’t want to be separated from their bears for a minute, so they brought them to Salt Lake with Tom and Suzanne, who took them to The Nutcracker there.

Afterward I picked the girls up while Abe kept cleaning our house. (We started a lot of decluttering projects this week on account of our flooded basement.) After I picked the girls up from Tom and Suzanne’s, we drove past our old house on G Street. Someone built an ugly addition to it! I was shocked and kind of horrified. I should have taken a picture but it looked like there were people there, so we just circled the block and talked about memories. Mary doesn’t remember living there at all, and Lydia has a couple memories.

Here are the day’s pictures: