Play date with Grace

On Tuesday the kids had a play date with Grace.  The kids decorated cookies, and at some point Mary felt like Grace and Lydia were leaving her out, so she went to her room to be sad.

I went up and read her some of the love books we gave her for Christmas. Then the other kids joined and we played the foam game Lydia got for Christmas.  I stuck some on my eye to try to convey the concept of sailor and felt sticky glue on my eye for the rest of the day. To be honest, it’s the day after (I am back blogging) and I still feel sticky. That was dumb of me! But we had a lot of fun playing together.

When Clarissa woke up for her nap and had had a snack, we all went to the park. It wasn’t too cold out, and at one point right before sunset, the lighting was GORGEOUS. Everything everywhere was bathed in pink and gold! But my phone was out of memory so I couldn’t take pictures, so I am writing it down to preserve the image in memory. It was a beautiful evening.