Christmas round 3

On Sunday Lydia played Andante, Silent Night, and Lord Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing (Go Tell Aunt Rhody)  at church. She did an incredible job and we were so proud of her.

Afterward we drove around delivering our neighbor gifts, and then we came home for Christmas round 3 with Karin, Jay, and Jere. They brought delicious Thai food, and we opened presents and feasted together.

After it was all over and the kids were in bed, Abe and I looked at each other and realized we had to clean up the house AND pack for our trip. We had to get up at 3am to make our flight, so we spent the rest of the night scrambling and working as fast and hard as we could. We got it all done and were in bed before midnight, which we considered a miracle.


The babies were crazy at church and gave Abe a real run for his money during sacrament.


Lydia made Abe this pop up Christmas card. Mine was an elaborate Santa’s sleigh, but I was too rushed to get a picture. I feel so bad about that.