During Clarissa’s nap today I was a bad parent and watched S.H.E.I.L.D. shows while I wrapped Christmas presents. Unfortunately Ammon was around and happened to see someone get stabbed through the heart. I quickly paused it, put him on a phone, and resumed watching and wrapping. If I were having a good parent day, I would have switched off the TV altogether and just focused on Ammon instead. Oh, well. Thank goodness for repentance.

Abe is traveling today and for the rest of the week. It is so sad to have him gone, but the upside is I feed everyone a really early dinner and then the kids are in bed an hour earlier than usual. That means I can catch up on blogging, read my scriptures, finish some of my photo projects…and now binge watch more S.H.E.I.L.D. Hopefully I don’t get nightmares.