
One of the things that Lily for which was most grateful about our trip to Bora Bora was the fact that she got to spend a lot of time thinking about how she wanted to spend the rest of her life and she made a lot of goals. Below are a list of some of the things included in her life roadmap that she thought about:

  • Doing Richard Rohr’s living school (with me!)
  • Writing a memoir
  • Getting a PHD in Art History
  • Learning languages to prepare for her PHD
  • Investing in the children and spending time with them
  • Drinking deeply from the fun stage the kids are in
  • Maintaining good health

Lily was still very tired and sick today and woke up late, but I stayed home a bit later than usual so she could still get her workout in. I was happy to do it, not just to be helpful to my sweetheart, but also because I was still hungry for time with the kids after being gone for so long. After getting the kids ready, I snapped some photos. I had fun with Clarissa’s hair and got a photo of her spike. I didn’t even need product to make it!

Goat Yoga is super in right now, but I wonder if the next big wave will be toddler yoga. Lily had to modify her positions because of Clarissa, but it sure was cute!

While I was a work, the kids had a dance party. Here is a video. They kept trying to pick each other up. Here is the apex of all of the picking people up, haha.

After work, we focused on more goals. Lydia made a goal with Lily to read 120 books, after which she would get a trip to Build-a-Bear. Lydia made a chart to track her progress.

Here is Lily in my favorite color on her. It brings out the yellow in her eyes and I love it!

Lydia has been baking so much lately! She really loves it. Here are some muffins she made with Lily. I haven’t had any yet, but they look wonderful!

One of the goals I made in Bora Bora was to do 100 straight days of eye exercises with Mary. I’ve gone through periods of great diligence and periods where I let it slide because it just felt like too much. But I am so committed to helping Mary have the best possible vision, so I’ve committed to one final push. If we can do 100 days in a row, we will be at the end of her therapy time (with only 2-3 times per week of maintenance afterwords). So I really want to give it a good do with her. Here is the chart Mary and I made together to track our progress. If she does it every day for 100 days, she will also get a trip to Buil-a-bear.