Battle Ball

Friday was a good day. Lily and I were both still tired, but we made it through. Work was insanely busy for me, but it ended at 2:30 when I left to play battle ball with my team for a team activity. Battle ball was so fun and super intense. It’s like paint ball, but instead of using paint balls, you use rubber balls that can really hurt and leave welts when they hit you. I got bored sitting back in a place where I was well covered so I started getting really aggressive and running around and chasing people. The bullets really flew in both directions when I came out of hiding and ran around, but it was so much more fun that way. We all had a blast. I took a hard shot to the knuckle, but otherwise didn’t get hurt. Trace had a bunch of welts on his arms.

At home Lily and I were so tired that we fed the kids and went to sleep early. The babies got up a lot this week and Lily and I took turns going to them so that added to our fatigue also.