Fun with games, water, snow, dolls and legos!

It has been so fun to have time off from work and just play with the family. In the morning we all played Carcassonne and everyone loved it! Then Lily and I went to the pool and had an amazing workout together swimming. Towards the end, we raced each other, and we are a perfect match for each other as we traded victories.

Back at home, I built a snow fort with the kids. The snow was not great for rolling snow balls to make snow people (hence the size of Ammon’s snow. man), but the snow did turn out to work just fine for fort building, and we had a great time building a fort!

Then we all had a delicious lasagna, pizza and sushi dinner. After dinner, I played dolls with the kids. I took a few videos (to Lydia’s chagrin) because it just felt so special to have all the kids at an age to enjoy dolls together. We had a lot of fun, and we plan to have more doll play in the coming week. Lydia really had the other kids laughing with the antics of her 7-year old genius, hyper, troublemaker doll Kendall.

Also, it was adorable how into her dolls Clarissa was. She spent a lot of time getting her doll’s house perfectly set up and when guests came over and were rowdy, she started crying because she cared so much about her setup. Once the party was over and I said it was bed time, she completely yelled down and said, “I just barely put my doll to bed, and I don’t even get a next day, I didn’t even get four seconds!” Then she stormed out of the room with very exaggerated steps. It was both sad and adorable. I could tell how much she loved playing dolls with everyone and I plan to have more doll play soon.

After dolls with the kids, I played legos with Ammon. This story line involved the mean rhino character breaking out of jail and causing havoc with his villain friends until finally getting thrown back in jail (from a cliffside) with the help of a lot of the police man’s allies, including the Hulk, Spiderman and Poopers the Penguin (and his flatulence). Videos below:

What a fun family day!!!!