Lily Writes and Abe Skis with Lydia and Mary

Today while the kids were at school, Lily cleaned the house and then spent a couple of hours writing an amazing story about a Neanderthal. I read the whole thing and was pulled in by the amazing imagery, narrative arc, action and interconnectedness. Writing was very satisfying for her, and I can tell it made her happy. She’s so good at it and I hope she keeps going with it!

I got off work early to pick up Lydia and Mary and take them to ski school. I also picked up lunch for us at Kneaders, and got skis for myself so I could ski while they were in their lesson. It was VERY COLD. So cold that much of Lydia’s class left early, and by the end, Lydia was getting one-on-one instruction from her instructor. Lydia felt like she really improved. Mary also had a great time and felt like she got better just by spending more time on the snow. I also progressed and really enjoyed the Black Diamond Run Top Gun. It was so fun to do three times down the mountain with them after their lesson. It got really cold, but the hand-warmers helped. Most of the night was between 10-15 degrees.

On the way home, we played a really funny game where me and Lydia would take turns acting out infomercials for ridiculous products like a gorilla halloween costume, plastic rice, jell-o basketball, wooden windows, etc. We were all laughing and having a really fun silly time together.

At home we watched an episode of Space-Time because Mary has been interested in concepts like time-travel. It was a really wonderful evening.