Philly Trip

Thursday was my first trip in my new role on the Enterprise Healthcare team. I got in around 1AM last night, huddled with my manager and team starting at 8:30 AM, attended a 3 hour presentation with customers, then did a cocktail mixer hour with them, and then went to dinner. Afterwards my manager and team-mates chatted until after midnight, and then I work up 6:10 the next day to catch my flight home. The schedule is rough, but I love my new team, and manager, and I also really love interacting with all of the wonderful healthcare professionals I got to meet.

Back at home, Lily had a stressful day with a strange car issue that crept up after she accidentally drove in neutral. Also, we are cancelling our St. George trip because roads seem not the best and we are not messing around with that given what happened in November.

Because of the car situation, the car was in the shop and Lily did not have a way to get the kids to school so they stayed home. Lydia used the time to make an amazing crochet scarf for Clarissa!

Later in the day, a pianist came over to our house to perform for us in preparation for her upcoming performance. She’s amazing!