Martin Luther King Jr. Day

I got the day off of work today, and I had a wonderful time with the family. To start the day, I played a YouTube video of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail while I made and served pancakes to the family. I was incredibly touched by it. His words are so powerful, and I love how he emphasizes non-violence, the need for action and demonstration (and not waiting) in the face of injustice, and the ultimate goal of all being in loving harmony.

Lily spent a lot of time today working with the children on their instruments. Lily and the kids are putting a lot of difficult effort into those instruments and I’m very proud of all of them.

Later in the day, we had Amy and her kids over for a playdate, and we also had Amanda and her daughter Ella come over to play Mah-Jongg with us. It was so fun to have our home so full of life and games. We love our friends, and we also love getting more and more acquainted with Mah-Jongg (as it is a bit complicated to learn, especially the scoring)