Watch Ya’ Mouth

Today we played Watch Ya’ Mouth which is a hilarious game that Olivia and David gave us as a gift. It involves putting a plastic piece in your mouth so it’s hard to talk and then you need to try to say phrases and have your team understand and repeat back the phrase correctly. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of really funny pictures and videos!

Paula Abdule walked me to school

After playing games, Lily worked on teaching the family Tagalog. Then she read us books including one about Wilson Bentley, the first snowflake photographer and showed us pictures of his snowflakes. Part of the goal was to get Clarissa to fall asleep, but I fell asleep instead! We then tucked in all the kids and Lily worked out while I decompressed over iPhone scrolling and Angry Birds.

In other news, Lily and I had a date running errands together today. We stopped at Petco, and Basil was so cute. When we started looking at stuffs to get for him, he started begging and pulled a monkey stuffy right off the shelf. In the car he grabbed it out of the bag, and he was so happy walking around the house with it!