Our fun began today when Abe came home from work. We took the girls to the park for a picnic and then came home for FHE. Tonight our lesson was on the Holy Ghost. Thanks, Mom, for sending us the activity idea! We hung pictures of Jesus in the girls’ room, turned off the lights, and had the girls find the pictures with their flashlights. Then we talked about how the Holy Ghost leads us to Jesus. Mary was very focused on her flashlight, but Lydia paid attention.
Here are two videos we took during our picnic:
We have a video of Lydia reciting our FHE scripture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qbmL3sCWlU
And then Abe demonstrated his favorite night time game with the girls. It’s called “Nobody Leaves the Room.” The girls get all riled up, and then every time Abe laments how difficult it is to put them to bed afterward.