Abe comes home

On Friday I hadn’t slept in four nights, and so I can’t recall what happened. I think the kids had a good day and Clarissa was feeling better because I took these pictures:

I should have gone to bed the minute the kids went down, but in my zombie state I discovered the Nas Daily show and Nas’s girlfriend, Dear Alyne. I was so incapable of making good decisions that I binge watched everything until Abe came home at midnight. I am now obsessed with Nuseir and Alyne and have even invited them to General Conference. Alyne used to be LDS, so I figure she could snag Nas some tickets and they could do a cute little segment out here. I hope they come!

Anyway, when Abe finally came home after this crazy, crazy week, I was overjoyed to see him. I basically wrapped myself around him and didn’t let go. It was so wonderful to have him home.