Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Those sneaky leprechauns visited our house for St. Patrick’s Day! The kids were beside themselves with excitement and declared St. Patrick’s Day was more fun than Christmas. Their favorite part was the green pee and poop in the potty. Ammon literally ran back and forth to the potty gleefully shrieking “That’s gross!” probably twenty times. It was hilarious.

The leprechauns left us material to make a rainbow cake!

Then Lydia ran to Eli’s house to go to a birthday party before returning home and heading straight to Shen Yun. We dropped off my mom, Lydia, and Mary at the show to meet up with Suzanne. It was my mom’s birthday present to Lydia, and it sounded amazing.

While they were at the show, Abe, Ammon, Clarissa and I went to the zoo. It was cold at the zoo and I was in sandals, so I stayed at the gift shop with Clarissa while Abe took Ammon to see the lions.

Then we picked up the girls and my mom and headed home.

We let the kids stay up late to greet Clark and Soren when they arrived from Pittsburgh. The kids were so excited to see their uncle and cousin.

It was a full and very fun St. Patrick’s Day!