Rainbow cake

On Sunday morning I spent the whole morning planning my lesson and helping the kids get ready for church. Abe was really supportive and let me shut myself in my room for hours to get ready.

Thanks to Abe’s support and God’s grace, the lesson went well. It was on President Nelson’s talk on the Book of Mormon, and I felt my testimony grow while preparing and teaching.

Then I came home and made shepherd’s pie for dinner.

After dinner we ate the rainbow cake that Mary and Ammon made on Saturday.

Abe did Elder’s Quorum visits with Josh, and during their hour and a half long visit, they covered the following topics: the flesh eating bacteria that’s in marijuana coming from Chicago, marijuana from different parts of the country, how to make homemade bombs from coke cans, how to replace metal piercings with rocks so ear lobes don’t swell in the summer, and how some gifted people can talk to rocks. The topics of these visits are, I think, supposed to be sort of spiritual, but Abe found the conversation very amusing. I laughed a lot when he recounted it all upon returning home.