Pin the tail on the donkey

On Sunday I was sick, so I stayed home from church and rested. I really wanted to go to church because I am always inspired there and felt in need of inspiration, but I also felt like if I didn’t sleep I would die. So I slept.

For FHE my mom helped Lydia prepare “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” for us. Lydia has been dying to play this game. The kids had so much fun and didn’t want to stop playing. We promised them they could play it again some other time.

Also some random pictures of Lydia and Mary’s artwork. Most of it is really sweet and fun to discover. Sometimes, though, we discover notes with not-as-sweet sentiments (such as the last note on the bottom from Lydia saying, “STAY OUT OF MY WAY! 🙁 ” I assume this was written after a bad harp practice. 🙁