Bonsais and a date

Aside from Christmas day and Sunday morning, Abe and I ran together almost every morning of our Seattle trip. On Thursday we did repeats on the hill next to Clark and Swathi’s house. The road was right out of a picture book with its greenery, and Clarissa was so good and slept in her stroller for most of the time.

After that, we hung around the house until the afternoon when we took a trip to the nearby Seattle Bonsai Garden. It was a perfect outing. Everything was so green and peaceful, and we loved looking at each bonsai. The kids got out their energy chasing each other around, but the girls were actually also really interested in the stories behind the various trees. At one point, a curator came and asked us to stop the kids from dragging their feet in the gravel. Then he, Clark, Abe, and my mom started discussing bonsais. Abe and Clark decided that they want to make bonsais their new hobby. He must have been very persuasive about the benefits of growing bonsai, especially considering Abe and I can’t even keep succulents alive.

Poor Soren. At one point Clark gave him a deflating parent talk, and Abe took this sad picture right after.
A redwood tree!

In the evening after the kids were in bed, Abe and I left to go on a date to the Seattle Art Museum. We had a wonderful conversation there with one of the guards who had lots of thoughts to share on Jackson Pollack.

The kids all slept together this night.
Abe was so happy to be on a date.

These are some of our favorite pieces:

After that we drove to Capitol Hill and had dessert at Hot Cakes. I got the most amazing butterbeer probably on the planet, and we both were utterly defeated by our teensy lava cakes. Neither of us could finish them because they were so rich. So we took them and a bunch of other treats home. It was a wonderful evening.