The girls help potty train Ammon

On Wednesday, for the first time perhaps in a year (or maybe ever?), ALL FOUR KIDS slept in. As in, it was 7:30 and Abe and I just happened to wake up peacefully. Well, not that peacefully since Abe is supposed to be at work by 7:30, but still. It was better than usual.

Who knows how long they all might have slept if I hadn’t idiotically made the exact same mistake I made last year and assumed that school started again today. I did the exact same thing last January 2nd! I was so mad at myself. I woke up the girls and Abe drove them to school, only to discover it was closed and now he was more than half an hour late to work. He was so sweet about this, but I felt stupid.

It was really nice to have the girls home, though. They have been enormous helps in potty training Ammon. Honestly, they have done a lot of the hard work. On her own initiative, Lydia runs him to the potty, makes sure he wipes, flushes and washes his hands, and she cheers enthusiastically for every bit of progress he makes. Mary is the self designated sticker dispenser, and Ammon runs to her for stickers each time he goes. She loves giving them out. They have been amazing.

I also cooked dinner for the first time in forever. I made a curried lentil soup, heated up some Finnish pastries, and roasted some curried carrots, onions, cauliflower, and currants. Then I cut some grapefruit for dessert since this is supposed to be our year of health.

After dinner we all went to Ammon’s room for scripture, and then Abe and the older girls and I all watched the 4th Harry Potter movie together. Lydia is very conscientious and was very concerned at its PG13 rating. Abe and I explained that we were providing the parental guidance, but in retrospect maybe it was a little too scary? The girls seemed fine, though. Hopefully we didn’t make an irresponsible choice.

After that I gave the girls their nightly massages that I started giving them about a month ago. And then Abe and I studied scriptures together. It was a great day, and I just wish I had a picture to go with it!