
On Tuesday Lydia got her retainer put in. She already sees a speech pathologist, but with that retainer, the poor girl is really struggling to speak. But she was very good and diligent about brushing her teeth and retainer so carefully, and I think she feels proud to have one in.

Abe came home late at night while I was binge watching Victoria. We sat on the couch and he told me all about the sales kickoff. It has been a really hard year for Abe, and Tuesday night was the awards ceremony. It was humbling and difficult for him, but when he tells me about his feelings, I am always so amazed at what a magnificent soul he has. He recognizes his own weaknesses so clearly, and he has such a gracious, intelligent, spiritually sensitive approach to the challenges work is presenting to him.

After watching Victoria, I am a little terrified Abe going to die of something like Albert did. I guess we’ll probably steer clear of typhoid, but with all the stress Abe is under, I am concerned he going to have a heart attack or get cancer or something. When I see love like mine depicted in books, television, or any kind of media, it always seems like it ends in someone dying. Even in Up, after the couple has lived a full and happy life together, Ellie’s death feels like a tragedy. It makes me cry, every time!

I know it’s so morbid and stupid to anticipate that tragedy, but honestly, the happiness I feel in my marriage feels unbelievable. When I think about it, I can’t help but feel like it’s not fair I get to experience it, and I have this dark suspicion that life will balance the scales by killing Abe off.

What a way to end the post. An aboutface: I guess the point is, I got lucky in love!