Mary’s meltdown

On Thursday morning I went to yoga, and Abe helped get the kids ready. Mary had a HUGE meltdown because she hadn’t done one of her assignments, and I lost patience with her because I felt I had really tried my best to help her get the assignment done, but she hadn’t cooperated. In reality, I could have made a better effort to help her. It was a very rocky start to the morning, and I wish I had been soooo much more patient.

Mary ended up forgetting something at home, so after feeding and reading to the babies, I loaded them in the car and headed back to school and bumped right into Mary when I entered with her binder. Mary looked so happy eating a birthday cupcake, and I was so relieved. When I picked Mary and Lydia up after school, I asked how Mary how her day went, and she replied that it was the “best day ever!” I guess her teacher was not hard on her and one of her friends also didn’t do the assignment, so it didn’t matter. PHEW.

For dinner we had an Indian feast. I made curried eggplant, curried cauliflower and chickpeas, and saag paneer (only with, er, tofu instead of paneer). I ordered chicken tikka masala and naan from our local Indian restaurant, and we had a huge dinner when Abe came home from work. It felt kind of like a Friday because the kids got Friday off.