Play dates and ministering galore

My Saturday meal prep is paying off! I haven’t had to resort to fast food or yucky stuff once this week! Okay, okay, it’s only Tuesday. But I’m still proud of myself! On Sunday we had salmon, green beans, spinach, apple, and barley salad, and an apple sharlotka. On Monday we had eggplant rollatini (and I went out afterward for beets and pizza with Emily). Today we had cheese soufflĂ©, made from the base I prepared on Saturday, green beans, and butter lettuce.

We also had two playdates today. Emily brought over my leftovers from Pizzeria 712, and Chloe and Ammon spent an hour playing together. Then after school Ellie Hanson came over and played with the kids until dinnertime.

After dinner, Abby came over to babysit while Abe and I went ministering to the Taohoes and the Morrells. We had so much fun and felt like we were on a date.

The kids were over the top excited to see Abby. Lydia made a sign, “Welcome, Abby!” and taped it to her door.

She also composed a poem about how much she loves Abby and had Mary read it to Abby. They worked out a signal for Mary to make when she couldn’t read one of Lydia’s words. Mary would make the signal and Lydia would read the problematic text. I wasn’t there, but I can imagine it was such a cute system!

I think the kids love Abby.