somehow this counts as a lazy day…

Today I woke up practically unable to move because I slept on my back wrong. Yoga helped a TON and now I feel loads better. But Abe also had a rough night and barely slept because of all of his work stress, so we both took it sooooo easy today. Well, as easy as you can take it with four kids.

I went to yoga, grocery shopped a bunch, and cooked red lentil, spinach and lime soup and prepped the mornay sauce for a mac and cheese dish this week. I also cleaned the house, which was completely trashed by the end of the day. It took a long time.

Clarissa is a little sick, and we feel bad for her. But we are so grateful that the rest of the family has basically stayed healthy for ELEVEN MONTHS!!! We are not immune deficient after all!!! It’s so amazing. Knock on wood.

Abe had a dance party to cheer Clarissa up. Ammon photo bombed the pic, and he is naked because I’ve learned that he poops the minute I put him in undies and clothes. So my new strategy is to leave him naked all the time that we are at home. He doesn’t really like it, but he never has any accidents when he is naked, so for my selfish sake, he will probably be naked all the time. Poor boy.