The new temple ceremony

On Wednesday Ammon had a poop accident and a ton of pee accidents. He is really scared to poop in the potty. After all of the laundry I did, I wasn’t in the mood to cook dinner so the kids and I ran through In-N-Out. Sigh.

But after that we went to Costco and joined Abe to “help” him pick out new glasses. The girls were so enthusiastic about this that they were picking every pair off the shelves and demanding Abe try them ALL on. So I ended up taking the kids around Costco and ate samples.

Lydia critiquing a pair of glasses.

Then we came home, ate dinner, took baths, and got ready for the temple. Eliza Freestone came to babysit so Abe and I could go experience the new feminist changes that have been made to the temple ceremony. I felt so grateful these occurred in my lifetime! I thought changes like these would probably take decades, at least.

We bumped into the Blosils while we were there and ended up chatting with them in the Celestial room. It was fun to hear their insights into the ceremony. We got to drive home all together, so the fun continued.

Then Abe and I collapsed in bed, only to be woken up all. night. long. by every child except, ironically, Clarissa. First Mary came at 2am and told us she had peed everywhere (we are trying to put her in undies at night again). Then after we cleaned her and the bed all up and had barely fallen asleep again, Ammon woke up screaming from a nightmare. It was probably about potty training. Then after I went into him and tried to go back to bed, Lydia came in hysterical because she had just had a giant nose bleed and there was blood everywhere. And by that point it was almost time to get up for Mary’s 6:30am piano lesson. What a night!