Last day in Vancouver

On Wednesday we dropped Jean off at the airport before heading over to the Vancouver Art Museum. Wow was it a dud. It is so small and there was very little art inside, although they did have three Emily Carr paintings (towards which we all automatically gravitated). There was also an exhibition going on about Alberto and Diego Giacommetti, and that was good too. Other than that, the only other good piece of art was a photograph of a man filling up a glass of water at a fountain in Rome.

I told the girls they needed to sketch and write about three different art pieces in the museum. This Emily Carr painting of The Raven was one they both loved.

After the museum, we ate some delicious food truck gyros and hot dogs and then walked to the Chinese garden, soooo far away. If my foot weren’t in such pain that walk would have been a highlight for me. But it was still wonderful to experience the city on foot with my family, and we got some great donuts en route!

The sharp angled designs are masculine and the soft curvy designs are feminine. The garden was filled with both sharp edges and soft curves as a symbol of the balance between yin and yang.
This is INCREDIBLE double-sided Chinese embroidery.

After the Chinese Garden, we drove to the Canadian American border.

Then we drove to Bellingham and did a drive-in for dinner:

Then because of the layout of the Airbnb, Abe and I were able to watch Game of Thrones after the kids went to bed. Abe was had a complete mental breakdown that evening, and so it was really nice to have some down time to recover.