
On Sunday we slept in, visited with Julie when she and her kids got back from church, and headed over to Clark and Swathi to celebrate Clark’s birthday. Well, I spent hours napping on their bed until it was time for Abe to head to the airport. I felt so depressed (and honestly, a little terrified) at the thought that he was leaving that I almost hopped in the car and drove back to Utah. But the kids really wanted to finish out the trip and I was feeling well enough to imagine actually being able to do that. So we stayed.

The kids had a great time playing with their cousins and some friends of Swathi’s.

The kids played with play dough, a favorite activity. Lydia made these sweet figures.

After Abe left, we headed back to Julie’s and I put the kids down before spending an hour chatting with Wes and Julie before bed. Then I went down to the basement, finished my mystery novel, and went to bed. An hour later Clarissa woke up with lots of energy. When she’s in that middle-of-the-night wakeful-but-happy mood, she is incredibly charming. So I played and chatted with her for two hours before finally convincing her to go back to sleep. Luckily, I had slept a lot at Clark and Swathi’s so this was actually fun and not hard.