Loooooong drive home

Thursday was our first day back, and thank goodness Abe didn’t have to work. We arrived home at 1am, which we were actually thrilled about considering we started on the Oregon Coast, stopped at Powell’s books on the way, and managed the potty needs of six people en route. Well, actually, we were pretty bad about the potty needs of everyone in pull-ups or diapers (half of our family!). We didn’t stop for those folks, and poor Ammon was basically dripping pee everywhere by the time we arrived home. Ammon, I am so sorry. We love you so much, and you were such a trooper to never complain.

Actually, Ammon was a STAR traveler. He made it this whole month sitting for countless hours in his car seat without any access to any type of screen and entertained himself–quietly!!!–99% of the time. I should just make a rule no more screen time during Clarissa’s nap times at home. He can totally do it. Ok, maybe we’ll try that out tomorrow…

Also, Abe did the vast majority of driving. We had to stop to pick up his car at the airport and if it hadn’t been for that, we would have been home before midnight. It was an incredible feat!