Abe returns!

I was very grumpy for most of this day because I thought that the girls had kept everyone up the night before. I was barricaded in the guest room with Clarissa and Ammon so I didn’t know what was going on. All I knew is that they were up at 10pm, and I was upset that they might have kept Soren up (since I know he doesn’t normally stay up that late!). I

So I told the girls they wouldn’t have that chance again and told them we would spend the entire day outside. I said after we picked up Abe from the airport we could go home and transfer them to bed at 10:30pm. They were sad and upset that they wouldn’t get to go to Clark and Swathi’s until night time, but I was determined.

Then I called Clark in the afternoon and found out the girls had been telling the truth. It wasn’t a problem that they stayed up late with Soren, and Clark and Swathi thought their cousin play time was cute. So I finished the last outing and headed back for dinner at their house before packing people in the car to go pick up Abe.

Had I not been is such a horrible mood, this day would have been a highlight. We went to Northwest Trek on Julie’s suggestion, and it was AMAZING. It is sooooo beautiful and original. It’s basically a zoo but the animals are in their natural habitat. You can ride a tram and see them all roaming around. It is gorgeous scenery, has a great play area, and is just an incredible place to visit. We’ll have to go again and rewrite our memory of this visit. I didn’t get a ton of pictures but here are some:

A sweet attendant offered to take a picture of Clarissa and me. I have no idea why I thought it was necessary to hide the map I was holding for the picture. Maybe sleep deprivation had affected my brain.

Second outing:

Gas Works park in Seattle. This park was featured in a garden book I checked out this year, and it was SO fun to visit in person. It is a terrific park!

Some tech guys were balancing on those rails for fun.

After that we drove back to Clark and Swathi’s, ate dinner, and then…drove to the airport to pick up Abe!!! It was so great to see him again. Three days felt like an eternity!