Anthony, Malika, Emile and Amalia visit

On Saturday Anthony, Malika, Emile, and Amalia came over for the afternoon. Ever since I saw this on our calendar I have been looking forward to it. We get to see them so rarely and it feels like a luxurious treat to have lots of time to just be together with these beautiful souls.

We played games with the kids, chatted, ate bagel sandwiches, and just enjoyed each other’s company. After they pulled away I turned to Abe and said, “Oh my gosh, we didn’t get a single picture!!” I felt SO sad and for a minute contemplated a last minute trip to Salt Lake just to catch up with them and get a picture.

They did invite us to join them in Hawaii for Christmas, so here’s hoping Abe bills a TON between now and Christmas so we can–and we can hopefully remember to take a picture if we do!!!