Park City Date, Blood Draw and Via 313

Today Lily and I got up around 7:30 and rushed to get the kids ready so that Lydia and Mary wouldn’t be too late to ballroom practice at Foothill. We then dropped off Ammon and Clarissa at Arches and went to the gym to exercise.

We then went to see our therapist Vhari. It was the first time we’ve ever gone together and it was super fun. We discussed our different views on what to do next year for the kid’s schooling and Vhari was a great resource to help us think through the topic together.

After our counseling session, we went to our favorite date place, Park City! When Lily said she wanted to go to Park City, I was inwardly hoping we would eat at Harvest, but I was guessing that Lily would want to try something new. When Lily said she wanted to eat at Harvest, I got really happy. We both love their food so much! Also, the people we sat next to told us of Willow Creek Park in Park City which has a 2 mile walking trail and a dog park. We can’t wait to visit with the family!

After brunch, Lily and I bought candles at the Park City Museum, wandered through art galleries, including the gallery of our favorite photographer, Jared McMillen. Can you believe the below picture is a non-doctored photo that was taken on film (not digital)? It was on a foggy and snowy day. This is one of my favorite photos I have ever seen.

Lily and I also went to the bookstore where Lily bought a Smitten Kitchen cookbook that she is excited to cook through. We loved hanging out together in Park City!

Then we picked up the kids from school and took Lily to Dr. Simmons so he could check on her infected finger. It’s taking longer than expected to heal (even after two rounds of antibiotics) so he prescribed some lab blood testing for Lydia.

Lydia and Mary turned their hair into awesome mustaches while waiting for the doctor.

We went straight to the lab for Lydia’s bloodwork. The kids and I played with Basil outside while we waited. Lydia got really pale and nauseous (she gets that from me), but she was a champ and the person drawing Lydia’s blood commented repeatedly on Lydia’s great behavior.

We then let Lydia choose a dinner spot after her uncomfortable experience. I’m so glad she chose Via 313. It’s one of my favorite dinner spots. I just feel so happy there!

We had some time to kill at home, so we all played Moose in the House as well as Lost Cities. That is, all of us except Mary. Mary had a school project deadline coming up and she said she wanted to do quality work and not rush so she was going to focus on her project. We were so proud of her!