Easter Eve 2018

On Saturday Abe and I put the kids down right at 7, made sure they were all actually either sleeping or falling asleep, and then hightailed it outta there to go on a date.

It was a much needed break. Both of us feel like we are falling apart from all of the demands of life. We shopped for birthday presents, got some incredible deals on cookbooks at Barnes and Noble, ate and In-N-Out, drove through Dairy Queen, and talked a ton.

I took pictures of a couple books I want to check out at the library:

We came home and played the Easter Bunny. After we had filled the eggs, prepped the baskets, and hidden a ton of eggs, Abe stepped outside and just started throwing handfuls of eggs all over the lawn for good measure. We love being the Easter Bunny’s helpers.

Earlier in the day we listened to both sessions of General Conference, although we were late for the second session because the shower broke and almost flooded the house.

My favorite part of Conference was snuggling with Lydia in bed while watching it on my laptop. Everyone else was watching in the basement and it was nice to watch with Lydia.

My other favorite talk of the day was this one by Larry Echo Hawk.