Ammon’s knee and National Puzzle Day

This morning Ammon woke up in extreme pain. His knee was hurting so much that he could not walk. I was terrified it was my fault for putting his shoes on in an angle that tweaked his knee on our way to Rodizio’s.

Abe took a sick day to help with the doctor since Ammon couldn’t walk. We ended up going from the doctor to the hospital so that they could get x-rays and also do some blood work. It turns out that the cold virus running through our family settled in Ammon’s knee and we just have to wait it out.

This all happened before 11:30am, which was so great because today is National Puzzle Day! Abe had contemplated taking a personal day today anyway so we could keep the girls home and do puzzles all day. But instead he got to take a legitimate sick day, and after we were done with Ammon’s hospital trip, we picked up the girls early from school, got Cafe Rio, and bought a bunch of puzzles at the Dollar Store. We went home to our house and had the most peaceful afternoon doing puzzles while Clarissa napped.

After we were done with puzzles, we watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which Lydia finished before the puzzling.

Abe stayed up until 11:30 pm studying and hand copying out the Song of Nephi. He has not been feeling the best because work has affected his self esteem and is SO stressful. So he loved the Song of Nephi and spent an hour just drinking it in.

It was a much needed, very peaceful day.