Friday stress

This morning Lydia let Clarissa help her make waffles for everyone…

The girls also dressed Clarissa in their own huge socks and big jacket because they thought it was a silly, cute thing to do.

In the evening before Abe came home, Clarissa climbed onto my lap and we took a selfie. She loves to grab my phone and say, “cheeeeeeese!”

Then we took all of the kids to the mountains to celebrate the birthday of one of Abe’s team members. I mostly chased the babies and made sure Clarissa didn’t throw herself into the raging river (which she honestly tried to do on multiple occasions. I wish I were exaggerating, but she literally tried to climb through the bridge into the river. I was firmly holding her hand the whole time and dragged her away, but there are spaces big enough in the bridge rail that, left on her own, meant she would have succeeded.

I also stress ate a lot today because of Lydia’s harp practice and also chasing the babies. But I have not had sugary desserts for several days now, so that’s a win.